Cyrus IMAP supports monitoring using Prometheus.
To use this functionality, Cyrus IMAP must have been built with the
configure option enabled.
Set the prometheus_enabled setting in imapd.conf(5) to "yes"
Add the prometheus module to your httpmodules in imapd.conf(5)
Set the prometheus_need_auth, prometheus_update_freq and prometheus_stats_dir settings in imapd.conf(5) to taste
Add a job to run promstatsd(8) to the DAEMON section of cyrus.conf(5) (the actual daemon process)
Add a job to run
promstatsd -c
to the START section of cyrus.conf(5) (this cleans up the stats files from the previous run)Configure your Prometheus server to scrape
Configuration options
0Whether tracking of service metrics for Prometheus is enabled.
adminAuthentication level required to fetch Prometheus metrics.
Allowed values: none, user, admin
10sFrequency in at which promstatsd should re-collate its statistics report. The minimum value is 1 second, the default is 10 seconds.
For backward compatibility, if no unit is specified, seconds is assumed.
<none>Directory to use for gathering prometheus statistics. If specified, must be an absolute path. If not specified, the default path $configdirectory/stats/ will be used. It may be advantageous to locate this directory on ephemeral storage.
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