

The best way to test changes to our documentation is to use the dar makedocs command from your local git clone.

The best way to submit changes to our documentation is via a GitHub pull request.

Our documentation source uses Sphinx and Restructured Text.

Special Tags

Our Sphinx setup has a few additional tags that are of note.


In HTML output, this generates a link to the referenced document.

Usage: :rfc:`<number>`

Example: :rfc:`3501` produces RFC 3501.


In HTML output, this generates an internal link to the referenced man page.

Currently we support sections 1, 5 and 8. These look for their man pages in the commands (1,8) and config (5) directories within the source.

Usage: :cyrusman:`<command>(<section>)` or :cyrusman:`<configfile>.conf(5)`

Example: :cyrusman:`imapd.conf(5)` produces imapd.conf(5).


This is a replacement tag and will output the current stable version number defined in

Usage: |imap_current_stable_version|

Produces 3.12.0-beta2.

Conventions: Man Pages

For Unix manual, or "man" pages, we follow the conventions laid out in the man page for man(1) itself:


Conventional section names include NAME, SYNOPSIS, CONFIGURATION, DESCRIPTION, OPTIONS, EXIT STATUS, RETURN VALUE, ERRORS, ENVIRONMENT, FILES, VERSIONS, CONFORMING TO, NOTES, BUGS, EXAMPLE, AUTHORS, and SEE ALSO. The following conventions apply to the SYNOPSIS section and can be used as a guide in other sections.

bold text

type exactly as shown.

italic text

replace with appropriate argument.


any or all arguments within [ ] are optional.


options delimited by | cannot be used together.

argument ...

argument is repeatable.

[expression] ...

entire expression within [ ] is repeatable.


In reStructured Text, this means a SYNOPSIS section might look like this:


    **ipurge** [ **-f** ] [ **-C** *config-file* ] [ **-x** ] [ **-X** ] [ **-i** ] [ **-s** ] [ **-o** ]
            [ **-d** *days* | **-b** *bytes* | **-k** *Kbytes* | **-m** *Mbytes* ]
            [ *mailbox-pattern*... ]

Rendering output like this:


ipurge [ -f ] [ -C config-file ] [ -x ] [ -X ] [ -i ] [ -s ] [ -o ] [ -d days | -b bytes | -k Kbytes | -m Mbytes ] [ mailbox-pattern... ]


In order to preserve space in traditional man page output, we use the .. only:: html directive in the reStructured Text (.rst) files for the verbose output of the Examples for commands.

For example, this is good, and follows the style of the man(8) manpage:


**arbitron -o**


Old format (no subscribers) short list.

.. only:: html

    tech.Commits 0
    tech.Commits.archive 0

**arbitron -d** *14*


Normal short list format for the past *14* days.

.. only:: html

    tech.Commits 0 2
    tech.Commits.archive 0 4

The output would render like so in a manpage:


arbitron -o
Old format (no subscribers) short list.
tech.Commits 0
tech.Commits.archive 0
arbitron -d 14
Normal short list format for the past 14 days.
tech.Commits 0 2
tech.Commits.archive 0 4