Administrative Commands & Utilities¶
List of Configuration Files, Formats and Settings¶
List of System Command-line Utilities¶
- arbitron
- chk_cyrus
- ctl_cyrusdb
- ctl_conversationsdb
- ctl_deliver
- ctl_mboxlist
- ctl_zoneinfo
- cvt_cyrusdb
- cyradm
- cyrdump
- fetchnews
- cyr_buildinfo
- cyr_dbtool
- cyr_deny
- cyr_df
- cyr_expire
- cyr_info
- cyr_sequence
- cyr_synclog
- deliver
- fud
- httpd
- idled
- imapd
- ipurge
- lmtpd
- lmtpproxyd
- master
- mbexamine
- mbpath
- mbtool
- mkimap
- mupdate
- nntpd
- notifyd
- pop3d
- pop3proxyd
- quota
- reconstruct
- rmnews
- sievec
- sieved
- smmapd
- squatter
- sync_client
- sync_reset
- sync_server
- timsieved
- tls_prune
- unexpunge
List of User Command-line Utilities¶
For the following parts of the documentation, while they are a work-in- progress, you may already have better documentation on your system, in the form of actual man-pages.