Notes for Packagers

Services in /etc/services

Listing named services through /etc/services aids in cross-system consistency and cross-platform interoperability. Furthermore, it enables administrators and users to refer to the service by name (for example in /etc/cyrus.conf, ‘listen=mupdate’ can be specified instead of ‘listen=3905’).

Some of the services Cyrus IMAP would like to see available through /etc/services have not been assigned an IANA port number, and few have configuration options.

The following lists services Cyrus IMAP should have available in /etc/services:

  • csync

    The Cyrus IMAP synchronisation server port, for replication clients to connect to.

    • Description: Cyrus IMAP Replication Daemon

    • Suggested Port(s): 2005/tcp


Default in /etc/imapd.conf

While 2005/tcp is the suggested default port for csync, the value of the port number is specified through the sync_port option in /etc/imapd.conf (generated from lib/imapoptions). Note that when changing the suggested port for csync we recommend you also patch lib/imapoptions prior to building Cyrus IMAP.

  • lmtp

    Some platforms do not specify the service port for LMTP –like Solaris and Debian. Fedora-based Linux distributions allocate port 24/tcp for LMTP Mail Delivery, however. Whatever port packagers choose to use, please note they should be the same across all platforms deployed in a single environment.

    • Description: LMTP Mail Delivery

    • Suggested Port(s): 24/tcp (Fedora-based platforms), 2003/tcp (other platforms)

  • mupdate

    The Cyrus IMAP Murder Mailbox Update protocol (MUPDATE) ensures mailboxes

    • Description: Mailbox Update (MUPDATE) protocol

    • Recommended Port(s): 3905/tcp


Default in /etc/imapd.conf

3905/tcp is the suggested default port for mupdate, as it is the default value specified for the mupdate_port option available in /etc/imapd.conf (generated from lib/imapoptions). Note that when changing the suggested port for mupdate we recommend you also patch lib/imapoptions prior to building Cyrus IMAP.

  • sieve

    • Description: ManageSieve protocol

    • IANA Port: 4190/tcp


Port 2000/tcp

2000/tcp is actually sieve-filter with description Sieve Mail Filter Daemon.

  • smmap

    • Description: Cyrus smmapd (quota check) service

    • Suggested Port(s): /tcp